In the days since Jian Ghomeshi was found not guilty and spared a sentence of life in prison, feminists and rape survivors have expressed...
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In the days since Jian Ghomeshi was found not guilty and spared a sentence of life in prison, feminists and rape survivors have expressed...
Without a doubt radical Islam is a huge global problem that threatens the values and principals we hold dear. Terrorists have an aversion to...
While Americans huddle around the Donald Trump campaign to see what stupid, or bigoted statement he makes next; one candidate from the other side...
The “tolerant” regressive left that live within liberal media, and the authoritarian movements they embrace, believe political views should be dictated by race, while...
Last year when the nude photos of various female celebrities appeared on the Internet without their consent, social media lost their minds. They bemoaned...
Liberals brand themselves as tolerant of different races, cultures, and sexualities. They are supposed to abhor race based ideas, but when it comes to...
This world is painted with atrocities we must always remember and never repeat. We must entice others to have knowledge of different cultures, and...
Sometimes in life, despite a lot of effort, and time committed to something, we reach the point in realizing the work is simply not...
In 2012, a 23-year-old woman decided to pose for the cover of a metal album by Calgary band Gatekrashor. The release titled Fear of...
The Cinderella Calgary Flames are off to the second round, but their biggest test is sitting right before their eyes. The conference champion Anaheim...