Julian Lennon chatted about the documentary “Common Ground,” where he serves as an executive producer, and he talked about his own nonprofit charity, The White Feather Foundation.
He also opened up about his solo music, “Jude” album, and photography. He is the son of the late two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee John Lennon (The Beatles).
‘Common Ground’
The documentary, directed by Josh and Rebecca Tickell, is narrated by such celebrities as Laura Dern, Jason Momoa, Rosario Dawson, Woody Harrelson, Ian Somerhalder, and Donald Glover. “Everybody in the cast this time had something warm, real, honest, and truthful to offer,” Lennon said.
“I think the film was beautifully put together and there was certainly a drive,” he said. “It was nicely edited and the flow of the film, I thought, was fantastic.”
“Once I was locked into Josh and Rebecca’s work, I am eager for the next project that they are up to. They have a gift, for sure, in being able to relate this urgent message to all walks of life. It’s undeniable what they bring to the table with information, and that is hard to walk away from. What is discussed is the reality of our world right now,” he elaborated.
“We all need to pull our socks up and take part in turning things around in making this world a better place for all of us,” he added.
The movie has been generating Oscar buzz in the “Documentary Feature” category, and rightfully so.
The White Feather Foundation
Lennon serves as the founder and Chief Visionary Officer of The White Feather Foundation, which is a charitable nonprofit organization that supports creative activists that use the arts and media in an effort to ignite social change.
It embraces environmental and humanitarian issues, and with partners from around the world, it helps raise funds for the betterment of all life.
Serving as an executive producer on the film
On serving as an executive producer for “Common Ground,” Lennon said, “I’ve been very fortunate. I feel honored because I was very fortunate from the very beginning when I first heard about ‘Kiss the Ground.’ I got involved with them before that film was released. I was really amazed at the reach of ‘Kiss the Ground,’ and the fact that it was saying basically what everybody else wanted to say and what people wanted to hear, me included.”
“I saw it become a platform that is working its magic around the world. I love all the work that Josh and Rebecca Tickell have done, so I told them to sign me up. I am here to help and to spread the word. I will do whatever I can, whether it’s on a personal level, or through The White Feather Foundation, or through social media,” he said.
“There was no denying being involved with them,” he said. “I had to be involved with them in some way, shape or form. For me, this was very much a continuation of the story, and obviously on a more personal level this time around, which was a great approach and stance, especially to make it personalized on a number of levels. At the end of the day, it’s all about the kids and the future generations,” he explained.
“I think the first film, ‘Kiss the Ground,’ did a great job,” he exclaimed. “It’s fantastic and I love ‘Common Ground’ too. The majority of the films covered America predominantly, even though this relates to every country in the world. Thankfully, with the dawn of the Internet, the film is able to be seen by so many across the globe.”
“There has been talk that there could possibly be a third film coming,” he said. “Hopefully, it will incorporate the rest of us outside of the United States on this planet that suffer the same fate, so to speak. I am thankful to be a part of a meaningful change for the future.”
Lennon continued, “Everything I have been involved with, whether it’s music, photography, being tied in with documentaries, or children’s books, have all been related to the betterment of all life. For me, this was a no-brainer, and I am happy to be here supporting it and spreading the world.”
Julian Lennon wears five different hats
Lennon shared that he wears five hats: music, photography, documentaries, children’s books, and working on independent films.
Speaking of his photography, Lennon noted that he is inspired simply by “telling stories and sharing the messages of life.”
“I got involved quite heavily because of my foundation,” he said referring to The White Feather Foundation. “Before COVID, I was traveling a lot in places where I was dealing with clean water issues, schools, health clinics and other issues. Initially, a part of the photography was just to keep a good memory of all of this.”

“I really started enjoying telling those stories, not only for my memories, but to inform people what they do on the other side of the planet,” he said.
“A part of my journey is sharing that journey with people who cannot get away or are physically unwell; in return, that brings joy to me, especially to be able to tell the little stories of the travels that I’ve taken over the years,” he acknowledged.
“I love being behind the camera,” he admitted. “I really do. I’ve spent enough in front of the camera. I get far more joy out of staying behind the camera and putting projects together. That has become my favorite world as things stand.”
‘Jude’ album
Lennon spoke about his seventh studio album, “Jude,” which was released on September 9, 2022. “I believe all the songs on this album are strong, individual songs,” he said. “They really have their own feel, vibe, take, and emotion.”
On the song selection process, he said, “That was a really long process. I had so many old songs that just never belonged on other albums or other projects, and I wanted to revisit those songs.”
“A part of the album was revisiting, and a part of the album was day-to-day things, and new music that I was writing. It was very much about a change in life and a change in perspective from my point of view,” he said.
He noted that it was impossible for him to select a personal favorite tune on that album, and shared that they are all special to him for specific reasons.
Stage of his life
On the title of the current chapter of his life, Lennon said with a sweet laugh, “Oh My God.” “I am in a phase, at the moment, where I am archiving over 100,000 photographs that I have,” he said.
“Also, I want to get my head organized for music in the future. I don’t think I will sign with another label again; I want to be independent again,” he said.
“The idea for me for next year is to be creative… to breathe and create in all areas that I love, and I am involved in,” he admitted.
“I am also in the beginning stages of writing my memoir. I just have to dive in. There will also be another photography book on the horizon. There are a lot of things going on, and I want to approach them without being overwhelmed,” he elaborated.
Regarding his definition of the word success, Lennon explained, “Success, for me, is getting the work done.”
“For me, success is about creativity, and now I am focusing on the work. That is the most important thing,” he underscored.
Julian Lennon shared his closing thoughts on ‘Common Ground’
Lennon expressed that he is a firm believer of the following quote by Dame Jane Goodall: “The most intelligent creature to ever walk Earth is destroying its only home.”
For viewers, he remarked about “Common Ground,” “This documentary is logical, really. We are killing ourselves. At the end of the day, it’s that simple. It’s madness if we can’t look after Mother Earth, who gives us life, clean air to breathe and food to eat.”
“The film ‘Common Ground’ serves as a vehicle and a lesson in how to change, and how to move forward in a positive way where there is no hunger anymore and we can all be fed, and we all survive,” he said.
“At the rate that things are going at the moment, things are not looking so great,” he acknowledged. “What do people want from life? I want to live; I want to breathe and enjoy life and being creative. ‘Common Ground’ serves to guide us to a better future.”
To learn more about Julian Lennon, follow him on Instagram, and check out his official website.
For more information on “Common Ground” and its upcoming theatrical releases, visit its official website.