Social Media
Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more "problematic content."
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Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more "problematic content."
It began with a warning — Telegram groups notorious for sharing illicit sexual content had set their sights on student Stasa Ivkovic. The groups were...
Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov on Friday announced a range of new features aimed at combating illicit content.
Deepfake porn includes explicit content where the faces of individuals are digitally superimposed onto other pornographic images or videos using AI.
Durov's arrest is not the only headache the privately-owned service faces.
Pavel Durov is accused of "complicity" in running an online platform that allowed illicit transactions, child sex abuse images and other illegal content.
President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday defended a decision to grant French nationality to Telegram chief Pavel Durov, who faces a possible trial related to...
The arrest and charging by France of Telegram founder Pavel Durov has thrown a spotlight on the international connections of a man with at...
The Telegram case can redefine social media with a sledgehammer. About time.
Pavel Durov, the founder and chief of Telegram, is set to learn Wednesday whether he will face charges and even be remanded in custody.