Rising artist J Wxlf chatted about his new music, future plans, and the digital age.
What inspires your music and songwriting?
My life experiences and things that I have gone through in life, and what I’m surrounded by inspires my music.
What do your plans for the future include?
My plans are to gain a larger fan base and start touring and making a name for myself.
How does it feel to be a recording artist in the digital age? (Now with streaming and technology being so prevalent)
It’s honestly great being an artist at this time because there are so many ways to push your music and gain attraction being an independent artist without a label.
What is your advice for young and aspiring artists?
My advice for young artists would be to learn and study whatever it is you are trying to pursue as an artist and never give up on yourself even when times feel impossible and they want to give up.
Keep your faith and stay strong. Don’t lose sight of your goals. You can do anything and be anything you want in this world. The sky is the limit.
Which artists would you like to do a dream collab with and why?
I would really love to collab with Post Malone and Travis Scott. They’re both very talented artists and I look up to them and I feel like we have similar sounds that would create hit records no doubt.
Were there any moments in your career that helped define you?
Yes, the times when things were hard and I wanted to give up on myself. As well as the times when I realized I really had my back more than anything & anyone always. Having to be my own fan and value myself when I didn’t feel valued by others.
What does the word success mean to you?
Success can really be anything for anyone but for me, it’s living a sustainable life with no stress at all. My family, friends and I are all okay mentally, spiritually, and physically thriving and wealthy.
What would you like to tell our readers about your new music? (What’s the one thing you want them to get out of it)
I would like to tell the readers this is a very special song close to my heart. The song is called “Fire In My Heart.” The intro to the song is my radio interview with radio host Steven Cuoco from Power 98.5 Satellite Radio, which may be heard on Spotify by clicking here.
I chose to add that part of the interview because the question Steven Cuoco asked and my answer was so deep to me that I had to really look into myself. It’s a very moving song that involves so much energy, drive, and momentum. It’s meant to inspire you and make you go after your dreams.
To learn more about J Wxlf, follow him on Instagram and check out his Linktree page.