A lone catamaran named “Silky” patrols waters around the remote island of Malpelo, a refuge that is protected yet full of peril for endangered...
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A lone catamaran named “Silky” patrols waters around the remote island of Malpelo, a refuge that is protected yet full of peril for endangered...
Biologist Cesar Garzon was searching for a small, endangered parakeet in southern Ecuador when he was warned he may be kidnapped, highlighting the danger...
The Berrio family moves around their home on raised planks, upon which their beds and furniture have been raised, to avoid the knee-high, murky...
Biologists on a trail in the Ecuadoran Amazon hold their breath as they distribute a foul-smelling delicacy to lure butterflies, critical pollinators increasingly threatened...
Police in Panama seized more than six tons of shark fins bound for Asia on Thursday, arresting five people in connection to the illegal...
Brazilian Amazon deforestation reached its worst-ever February level in the second month of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s presidential term, provisional data showed...
With its sharp claws, scaly skin and venomous bite, Guatemala's "Sleeping Child" lizard has earned itself few human friends.
A crack widens in the San Rafael glacier in Chile's extreme south, and a ten-storey iceberg crashes into the lake by the same name.
A rare white tiger, named “Nieve” (snow in Spanish) was born at the Nicaragua zoo, and is being raised by humans after its mother...
Cocooned from the outside world, some 200 critically endangered golden frogs are living a sheltered existence in Panama, protected from a devastating fungus that...