President Bush
Was in Sarasota, Fla. He was flown at midday to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. He was later moved to the U.S. Strategic Air Command at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Neb. He returned to the White House early Tuesday evening.
Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice
Were in the Situation Room in the White House basement.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
Was in his Pentagon office at the time of the attack. He was rushed to the site of the Pentagon crash and helped load the wounded onto stretchers. He then went to the National Military Command Center.
Secretary of State Colin Powell
Was in Lima, Peru, at a meeting of the Organization of American States. He returned to Washington, canceling plans to visit Colombia later Tuesday.
Attorney General John Ashcroft
Was in Milwaukee but canceled a speech on education. Justice Department officials would not say where he was taken.
Other Cabinet members and senior staff
Were with the vice president in the White House.
Congressional leaders
Were taken to an undisclosed safe location.
Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan
Was in Basle, Switzerland, over the weekend to attend meetings at the Bank of International Settlements. He was flying to Washington on Tuesday and returned to Basle. The Fed withheld details of his future travel plans for security reasons.
First lady Laura Bush
Was to testify before the Senate on education. “Parents need to reassure their children everywhere in our country that they’re safe,” she said as she and Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., announced that their hearing was postponed. Mrs. Bush was whisked by motorcade to a secret location away from the White House.
The Bush daughters
Barbara was at Yale University, and her twin, Jenna, was at the University of Texas. The 19-year-olds were moved to secure locations.
The president’s parents
Former President George Bush and his wife, Barbara, were at an undisclosed safe location. They maintain homes in Houston and Kennebunkport, Maine.