How Much Will It Cost in 2024 to Develop an MVP?

Published March 22, 2024

In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, startups, and entrepreneurs are increasingly focused on expediting the launch of their products or services to seize market share. They have recognized that the MVP development services approach is the optimal strategy.

However, clients seeking to realize their app ideas often ask how much it costs to build an MVP. The cost of a minimum viable product can vary widely, influenced by factors such as app complexity, choice of development team, and technology stack employed. Typically, building an MVP falls within the average cost range of $10,000 to $100,000.

This article delves into the factors influencing MVP development costs and offers proven tips on minimizing expenses.

Importance of Knowing MVP Development Costs for Startups

Understanding the cost of building an MVP is pivotal for startups due to several reasons:

  • Realistic Budget Expectations: A clear understanding of MVP costs enables setting realistic goals, prioritizing essential features, and avoiding overspending.
  • Financial Sustainability: Startups with a well-defined financial plan are better positioned to avoid cash flow issues, increasing their chances of success.
  • Securing Funding: Investors are more inclined to support startups that thoroughly understand their financial needs and potential return on investment (ROI).

By comprehending MVP development costs, startups can make informed decisions, streamline the development process, and enhance the likelihood of launching a successful product within budgetary constraints. That is the opinion of Celadonsoft.

Factors Affecting MVP Development Cost:

Now, let's delve into the key factors influencing the cost of building an MVP:

  • Complexity Level: The app idea's complexity and features significantly impact costs. Simple MVPs with basic functionality cost less than complex ones with advanced features.
  • UI/UX Design: Investing in user-friendly design elements adds to the cost, emphasizing the importance of allocating a budget specifically for UI/UX design.
  • Technology Stack: The choice of technology stack affects costs, with some technologies demanding higher fees due to developer scarcity or licensing expenses.
  • Development Team: Factors such as team size, expertise level, composition, geographical location, and in-house versus outsourced development influence costs.
  • Development Timeframe: Shorter development timeframes reduce costs, aligning with the MVP's goal of quickly validating core value propositions and gathering user feedback.

The Hidden Costs of MVP App Development

While the MVP app development costs outlined above are evident, numerous hidden expenses demand attention. Let's delve into these:

  • Deployment and App Store Submission: Getting your MVP ready for deployment and submitting it to app stores often involves additional costs.
  • Quality Assurance & Accessibility Testing: Rigorous testing is essential to ensure a top-notch user experience, including accessibility testing for users with disabilities. Some vendors may charge extra for quality assurance & accessibility services.
  • Iterations and Enhancement: User feedback often necessitates iterations and enhancements to your MVP. Incorporating this feedback and making necessary improvements can incur additional expenses for design, development, and testing, particularly if significant changes are required.
  • Scalability and Performance Optimization: Additional infrastructure resources may be necessary if your MVP needs to accommodate a growing user base or requires performance optimizations. It could involve investments in scalable server architecture, caching mechanisms, load balancers, or cloud services, resulting in added costs during development.
  • Integration and Third-Party Services: Integrating external services, APIs, or third-party platforms into your MVP may incur additional expenses. Some services may have usage fees licensing costs, or require customization, all of which impact the overall development budget.
  • Localization and Internationalization: Targeting global markets requires consideration of localization and internationalization costs. Adapting your MVP to different languages and local preferences involves additional design, development, and testing efforts.
  • Maintenance Plan: Post-launch, continuous improvement, and maintenance are crucial to keeping your MVP functional and up-to-date. Maintenance costs usually account for around 20% of overall app development costs yearly.
  • Growth Marketing: Even the most exceptional app idea needs effective promotion for success. Investing in growth marketing strategies such as social media advertising, search engine optimization, and content marketing is essential for promoting your MVP and acquiring users.

Understanding and accounting for these hidden costs is vital for startups to ensure their MVPs' successful development, launch, and maintenance.

Tips To Reduce Minimum Viable Product Cost

Here are several proven strategies to effectively manage and reduce MVP app development costs for startups, ensuring a successful launch:

1. Low-code/No-code Development:

Utilize low-code or no-code development platforms, which are increasingly popular among startups with budget constraints. These platforms streamline app development with minimal coding, significantly reducing development effort and costs.

2. Use Open-source Libraries and Frameworks:

Leverage open-source libraries and frameworks available in the app development community. These resources are free to use, helping lower your minimum viable product cost. Additionally, open-source tools contribute to building more engaging and user-friendly MVPs. For instance, frameworks like Flutter and React Native enable the creation of native-like mobile applications for iOS and Android.

3. Cloud-Based Development:

Take advantage of cloud-based development platforms like AWS and Azure, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Hosting your MVP on a cloud-based platform eliminates the need to purchase and maintain expensive hardware and software.

4. Outsource MVP App Development:

Consider outsourcing MVP development as a robust cost-cutting measure. According to a study by Deloitte, 63% of companies view outsourcing as an effective cost-saving strategy. Hourly rates for developers vary significantly across regions, with substantial savings possible by outsourcing to countries like India, where rates are lower. Additionally, outsourcing minimizes overhead expenses associated with in-house teams, such as salaries, infrastructure setup, and employee benefits.

5. Choose a Skilled MVP Development Team:

Collaborate with a skilled development team to reduce costs and development time. A proficient team can leverage agile development methodologies like Scrum, enhancing flexibility, enabling faster feedback loops, and facilitating early issue identification. Working with experienced professionals ensures efficient MVP development while optimizing costs.


MVP app development is the initial step in transforming app ideas into successful products. Proper budget planning is essential for MVP success. While various factors influence costs, the actual expenses can only be determined through detailed discussions with experts.

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