Eucalyptus Essential Oil Diffuser Blends With Peppermint, Lemon: Recipes Launch

Published March 22, 2024

The new guide delves into the potential benefits of eucalyptus oil for respiratory support, pointing to its ability to open the airways. When diffused for aromatherapy purposes, eucalyptus can help individuals take deeper breaths, loosening the phlegm and easing congestion, says Jennifer Lane, certified aromatherapist and Loving Essential Oils founder.

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The guide highlights four popular eucalyptus oils, differentiated by their distinct aromas. Eucalyptus Dives, for example, has a strong minty scent whereas Eucalyptus Globulus is more well known for its soft woody undertones. The team at Loving Essential Oils reminds readers that eucalyptus oils rich in cineole, such as Eucalyptus Globulus, are not recommended for children under ten years old.

According to Loving Essential Oils, eucalyptus is incredibly versatile, pairing well with other oils to create a synergistic effect. The guide recommends a wide range of accompanying oils to enhance the benefits of eucalyptus, including peppermint, lavender, sandalwood, lemon and bergamot.

With this in mind, Jennifer Lane highlighted a number of popular eucalyptus diffuser blend recipes and their corresponding benefits. For example, those looking to emulate a tranquil spa feel are advised to blend lavender, eucalyptus and sandalwood for the ultimate relaxed aroma. Individuals after a more energy-boosting blend should try mixing grapefruit, eucalyptus, frankincense and ylang-ylang, says the guide.

To help promote relaxation and sleep, the team suggests a blend of lavender, cedarwood, eucalyptus and Roman chamomile. "Eucalyptus may not be listed as a sleep essential oil," states Loving Essential Oils, "but it can reduce coughing and congestion. When you are breathing easier, it can promote a good night's sleep."

As part of their safety guidelines, Loving Essential Oils recommends intermittent diffusion, limiting use to 30-60 minutes at a time. Readers are reminded that, for topical use, essential oils should be diluted with a carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil, before being applied to the skin. A spokesperson for the company said: "Using essential oils can improve a person's emotional, physical, and mental state. For best results, make sure you use pure essential oils and learn how to use them properly."

Interested parties can read the full guide at

Loving Essential Oils

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