The issue relates a case of a man in the U.S. who developed an acute liver problem. Upon a review of his physical condition and lifestyle, medics concluded that the hepatitis developed due to the man’s high consumption of energy drinks.
The man, aged 50, worked in the construction sector. He sought medical help after he began experiencing excessive vomiting, dark-colored urine, jaundice and abdominal pain. Although the Florida based man had a liver condition, medics attributed the symptoms to his consumption of some five energy drinks per day. This was after other lifestyle factors, such as exercise and alcohol intake, has been accounted for.
Analysis showed the man had high levels of a type of liver enzyme called transaminases. The development of hepatitis was confirmed by biopsy.
The energy drinks the man had consumed on a daily basis contained 40 micro-grams (mg) of niacin (vitamin B3.) the daily recommended dose of this vitamin is 17 mg. Medical data suggests should 500 mg be accumulated in the body ill-health effects can occur, although for those with underlying health conditions, 160 mg can be sufficient to cause illness.
At appropriate levels, niacin and niacinamide (both forms of B3 vitamin) prevent the deficiency disease pellagra. However, too much can cause toxicity and this can lead to ill-health.
The man stopped consuming energy drinks and his health improved. Speaking about the case to the BBC, consultant medic Dr Jennifer Harb, said: “As the energy drink market continues to rapidly expand, consumers should be aware of the potential risks of their various ingredients.”
She added: “Vitamins and nutrients, such as niacin, are present in quantities that greatly exceed the recommended daily intake, lending to their high risk for harmful accumulation and toxicity.”
The case has been reported to the journal British Medical Journal Case Reports (“Rare cause of acute hepatitis: a common energy drink.”)