This comedy show was a part of The Paramount Comedy Series Presents’ Patton Oswalt’s “I Love Everything” Tour. Gibran Saleem served as his special comedic guest, who warmed up the stage for Oswalt.
As Oswalt took the stage, he was greeted with a raucous response from his Long Island fan-base. He went on to poke fun at a wide variety of topics including him turning 50 years old (and now 51), his breakfast cereal, going hiking, buying a new house, as well as recently getting remarried, and his young daughter (including her second-grade art project). He gave The Paramount audience a crash course on the “circle of life,” and rightfully so.
In addition, without getting too political, Oswalt furnished some insights on the Trump presidency, the #MeToo movement, his thoughts on Jesus (and whether he existed or not), as well as Denny’s.
Speaking of Denny’s, he shared that he would love to do a 30-second commercial for them someday, and he treated the Huntington crowd to acting out that prospective commercial.
The Verdict
Overall, Patton Oswalt was superb at The Paramount in Huntington. He had the crowd with him every step of the way, and he praised the audience for being “awesome.” His jokes were clever, witty and relatable. He is worth seeing live whenever he comes to town. His live set garnered an A rating.
To learn more about Emmy and Grammy Award-winning Patton Oswalt, check out his official website and follow him on Twitter.