On August 28 and 29, six “Days of Our Lives” actors participated in a Star Struck fan event entitled “Celebration 2021” in Providence, Rhode Island, which was hosted by Paul and Keith. Digital Journal has the recap.
These actors included Victoria Konefal, Billy Flynn, Matthew Ashford, Judi Evans, Bryan Dattilo, and newcomer Carson Boatman. Strict COVID guidelines and protocols were in place in an effort to keep both the actors and fans safe and rightfully so (especially with the Delta variant spike).

On August 28, morning breakfast was served at the Raddison Hotel’s University Ballroom, and the actors signed autographed photos; moreover, several fans were able to take group photos with actors in a socially distanced fashion.
In the “Question and Answer” component of the event, the actors responded to such questions as what some of their favorite storylines were, what superpower they would want to have if given the opportunity, as well as what they envisioned the high school versions of themselves doing at this stage of their lives.

Judi Evans noted that she would have been a doctor, while Carson Boatman stated that he didn’t know what he wanted to do, though he is glad that he ended up being an actor. Victoria Konefal would have been a criminal psychologist, while Matthew Ashford would have still wanted to do something in the arts (fortunately for him, it “worked out”). Bryan Dattilo shared that he would have been a psychologist.

After a lunch break, an intimate group of fans gathered for a “Celebration Party Dinner and Dance,” which took place from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
In the “Farewell Breakfast” on the following day (August 29), the actors participated in a “Singo Bingo” activity that was hosted by Rhonda Ervin, who encouraged everybody to donate to their local nonprofit organizations especially during the trying times that the world is going through.
“Even in the hard uncertain times we are in, there is still the possibility to have fun,” exclaimed Christine Pane Carnazza, fan and attendee. “Seeing the actors, old friends, and making new friends made this event truly special.”
“I had an amazing time at the event this weekend despite how different it was with all the Covid restrictions. I needed to see my ‘Days’ peeps and enjoy something I love very much after the passing of my boyfriend, Tim. The event definitely delivered that and a whole lot more,” said Sabine Flynn, fan and attendee.
Compliments once again to Paul and Keith of Star Struck Fan Events for organizing a memorable daytime fan event with some “Days of Our Lives” fan-favorite stars.
To learn more about Star Struck Fan Events and their upcoming events, check out their official website.