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Ashley Cleveland talks new album ‘One More Song,’ Chris Stapleton (Includes first-hand account)

“For me, every album happens because of the songs. They are always driven by the songs. I had a memoir come out in 2013 that really opened up a whole new set of opportunities for me. It involved the music and it expanded my world,” she said, about her forthcoming album. “I felt that these songs deserved to have a home, and they deserved to be heard. I write about the things that I know. I am not a fiction writer. All of the songs are very autobiographical. I like to let the music dictate.”

She listed “Lily Grown Wild” as one of her favorite songs on the album. “I love ‘Lily Grown Wild’ since it’s about my youngest child leaving home. Not only because of her, or what it’s about, but I love its structure. I grew up in the greatest era of rock and roll, and that song reminds me of a Rolling Stones song,” she explained.

Throughout her career in the music business, Cleveland has won three Grammy awards in “Best Rock Gospel” album category. “That was a wonderful experience each time,” she exclaimed. “I love traditional gospel music.”

Cleveland is also a writer of a memoir entitled Little Black Sheep. She is working on two new books and a documentary, Who’s The Girl, that is due for release in 2018. “They are currently pitching it to film festivals, so that is in the works,” she said. “Some of the songs on this record show up in the film.”

Digital transformation of the music business

On the impact of technology in the music business, Cleveland said, “Albums and records do not have the same importance in people’s live. Although, when I was growing up, there weren’t that many artists, and everything came out on vinyl. At the time, technology had not emerged yet. There was just this beautiful, large square disc, with a great cover that would come out and it was mysterious and exciting. Then, over time, CDs took over, which are much smaller. Technology has taken over, which has enabled anybody to make an album, so the specialness of it was compromised. Vinyl is re-emerging. What has galvanized my career and kept it alive are my fans. The greatest thing you can hope for is for the artists and the fans to make emotional connections with each other through the music.”

Cleveland shared that she would love to sing a dream duet with Chris Stapleton. “Chris has one of the greatest rock and roll voices of all time,” she said.

To learn more about Ashley Cleveland and her upcoming One More Song CD, check out her official website.

Markos Papadatos
Written By

Markos Papadatos is Digital Journal's Editor-at-Large for Music News. Papadatos is a Greek-American journalist and educator that has authored over 22,000 original articles over the past 18 years. He has interviewed some of the biggest names in music, entertainment, lifestyle, magic, and sports. He is a 16-time "Best of Long Island" winner, where for three consecutive years (2020, 2021, and 2022), he was honored as the "Best Long Island Personality" in Arts & Entertainment, an honor that has gone to Billy Joel six times.

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