The internet is filled with videos of news anchors and meteorologists messing up and this new viral video is among the best. Cory McCloskey, meteorologist for FOX 10 Phoenix, was giving a local weather report when something strange happened. The temperatures on his weather radar went crazy, showing 1,000 degree plus temperatures across the Phoenix area.
Rather than simply stating that they were experiencing technical difficulties and awkwardly trying to move on, however, McCloskey was able to think on his feet and turned the mishap into an entire bit.
“Wow, 750 degrees in Gila Bend right now and 1,270 in Ahwatukee,” he said, as if nothing was wrong. He continued by saying that, while he wasn’t authorized to evacuate the area, but he thought the temperatures were pretty high.
“Frankly, Wickenburg is a total loss,” he said as he pointed out the absurd 2,385 degree temperature. With the other news anchors laughing in the background, McCloskey kept his composure and continued reading off the ridiculous temperatures as if he was giving a legitimate weather forecast. He even pointed out that he thought steel would boil at the 2,960 degree temperature that was showing up for the Cave Creek area.
FOX 10 Phoenix posted the video clip on their official YouTube channel with the description “FOX 10’s Cory McCloskey leads viewers through a hilarious weathercast after his weather map malfunctions. Technology doesn’t always cooperate, but luckily Cory knows how to handle the ‘heat!'” Since yesterday, the video has received nearly 400,000 views.