The man, Charles Netzhammer, posted a YouTube video on June 26, and it showed a photo of the Confederate flag that he wanted to display on a cake from Walmart’s bakery. He also wanted the statement “Heritage Not Hate” on the cake.
Netzhammer was given a refusal form, but he claims he was able to go to another Walmart in the area and they made an ISIS cake for him with no problems.
Netzhammer wrote that ISIS is beheading Christians, as well as selling kids into slavery and are at war with the United States, but they don’t sell the General Lee toy car. He continued to say that this was a shame.
Randy Hargrove, a spokesman for Walmart, released a statement and insisted that the employee at the store didn’t realize what the ISIS flag was or what it stood for. He continued to say that the local store made a mistake and the cake should have never been made. He finished off the statement by issuing an apology.
Since the video has been posted, it has been viewed more than 200,000 times and “liked” by more than 2,000 people.