From wolves to grey whales and lynxes, plans are being considered to re-introduce some lost species back into the British countryside and .U.K waters. Behind the idea is a campaign body called Rewilding Britain.
Rewilding Britain is a charitable body and its mission is: “Through rewilding we can start to reverse centuries of ecological damage. We can re-establish natural processes, reconnect with nature and regain wonder for the natural world.”
According to The Guardian, species once lost but which could form part of the new project (should the U.K. government endorse it) are:
Dalmatian pelican,
Bluefin tuna,
Grey whale,
Common crane,
Eagle owl,
Pine marten ,
Night heron,
In related environmental news, the Scottish Government has released a report titled Scotland’s Biodiversity: a Route Map to 2020. The aims include reversing historical losses of habitats and ecosystems; creating conditions favorable to wildlife; and sustainable management practices. This policy could clash with other aims of the U.K. government, where “natural capital” has been set as a policy objective. This is defined as finding out the economic worth of the ecosystem and ensuring that, while parts are protected, other parts are used for the greater economic good.
Natural capital is controversial. Environmental campaigner George Monbiot describes this Conservative Party policy as “effectively pushing the natural world even further into the system that is eating it alive.”