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‘Shoot the Sodomites’, sex soon illegal for gays/lesbians in CA?

The proposal was written by Attorney Matt McLaughlin, of Huntington Beach, California, who paid the $200 filing fee for the “Sodomites Suppression Act” on February 26, 2015. The next step involves Attorney General Kamala Harris, who is now forced by law to release the initiative for circulation by May 4, 2015, in a 100-word summary.

Text from McLaughlin’s proposal:
Declaring it is “better that offenders should die rather than that all of us should be killed by God’s just wrath,” it would require that anyone who touches a person of the same gender for sexual gratification be put to death by “bullets to the head or by any other convenient method.”

Rainbow Triangle - Symbol of the LGBT organization

Rainbow Triangle – Symbol of the LGBT organization

The measure would also make it a crime, punishable by 10 years in prison and permanent expulsion from the state, to advocate gay rights to an audience that includes minors. It specifies that its constitutionality can be judged only by a state Supreme Court that has been purged of LGBT justices and their advocates. And it authorizes private citizens to step in as executioners if the state fails to act within a year. Another provision would require that the text of the initiative be posted prominently in every public school classroom.

Not listed with his above text but in an NBC article, McLaughlin’s proposed law would also ban gays — whom he refers to as “sodomites” — from holding public office. Also, homosexuals or advocates of homosexuals found guilty of spreading “sodomite propaganda” would be fined $1 million or see jail time.

Also in the article, it says that a group of California legislatures filed a complaint against McLaughlin for proposing the California ballot initiative that will allow all gays and lesbians to be shot in the head, and for making it a crime to be an advocate for homosexuals in California.

Once the initiative leaves Ms. Harris’s office, it will have 90 days to acquire 365,000 signatures to make it to the 2016 ballot. At that time, it will need to be voted in by California residents, followed by the ruling of the courts to make it constitutional.

The LGBT Caucus is gathering signatures to disbar Matthew Gregory McLaughlin. They have contacted the California State Bar requesting for Attorney Matthew Gregory McLaughlin to be examined to see if he is fit to be on the board due to his erratic behavior. This is still an ongoing process.

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