“If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world,” Walker boasted to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
Elizabeth Warren, an American academic and politician who is the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Democratic Party, took offense at this. Not just for the American people (i.e. labor union members and their supporters), but also for local, national and international supporters who publicly stepped forth against Governor Scott Walker to buy pizzas for all demonstrators, strangers who offered free pizza and solidarity to the Wisconsin protesters. Numerous social sites helped feed these masses through word-of-mouth. So, even though the battle was lost due to dubious ways, it was won on the home front by bringing strangers together for a common cause.
But the question still remains, “Does this make every person who does not support Scott Walker a terrorist?”
“The way pizza donor Colette Marine Lindemann sees it, the budget-repair bill is union busting, and those fighting against it need to keep up their strength. For this Cincinnati-area woman, even old rivalries have been put aside in the name of solidarity.’
“As a Northwestern Wildcat through and through,” she said, “I never thought I’d say this with such pride, but ‘On, Wisconsin!’ ”
When Elizabeth Warren tweeted her feelings to the public, she opened the door to more scrutiny of Scott Walker’s positions and who is backing him, such as the Koch brothers. However, Warren Buffet went public today by criticizing the female Senator, “”I think that she would do better if she was less angry and demonizing. I believe in ‘hate the sin but love the sinner,'” he said. “And I’m not sure that I’ve fully convinced Elizabeth Warren that that’s the way to go.”:
Elizabeth Warren ✔
If Scott Walker sees 100,000 teachers & firefighters as his enemies, maybe it’s time we take a closer look at his friends.
10:59 AM – 28 Feb 2015
Knowing they were now in big trouble, a quick emailed statement was sent out from Walker’s right-hand man, Kristen Kukowski, the communications director for the governor’s 527 organization,
Governor Walker believes our fight against ISIS is one of the most important issues our country faces. He was in no way comparing any American citizen to ISIS. What the governor was saying was when faced with adversity he chooses strength and leadership. Those are the qualities we need to fix the leadership void this White House has created.
Thank goodness Walker has an experienced and hard-working communications staff that is getting pretty good at cleaning up the governor’s messes. Just last week they covered up another mess when Walker said he didn’t know if President Obama was a Christian.
Elizabeth Warren is not the only person criticizing Walker. It appears that the current issue is another case of uncontrolled foot and mouth disease that Governor Walker is becoming well known for, brought to the attention of the world when a top Republican strategist publicly called wannabe presidential candidate Scott Walker” a dumb ass.” Fox News, labeled as a “right-wing propaganda machine,” even took a political poke in a Fox News Sunday interview between host Chris Wallace and Governor Scott Walker, questioning the validity of Walker’s ISIS remark.
The Salon goes even further by posting the article, “Scott Walker loses his mind: What’s behind his delusional ISIS-unions comparison?” According to author/editor Joan Walsh, both the left and right are struggling with the comparisons between ISIS and Americans who belonged to the labor unions. The dangerous, if not down right scary, part of this whole situation is that Scott Walker claims his regular briefings from the FBI, the same briefings as those sent to other governors, actually counts as Walker having foreign policy experience.
“From the left, you can be disgusted by Walker comparing legal protests by labor unions and their supporters to the barbaric, blood-thirsty terrorism of ISIS. From the right, you can be appalled that Walker is clueless enough to suggest that standing up to peaceful protesters is remotely comparable to fighting a multi-national terror threat.”
Of everyone who has publicized their political feelings about Scott Walker’s ISIS/Labor Union remarks, it seems as if Elizabeth Warren may have the most clout to do the most damage. But that is hardly surprising, as she has pledged to pull the U.S. Senate back to the left, and she may be starting with Scott Walker.
“Friend — In the first few weeks of the new Republican Congress, the GOP has attacked Social Security. They’ve attacked health care. They’ve attacked the rules on Wall Street. They even threatened a reckless shutdown of our national security funding.’
If a politician expresses ideas that are shared by literally tens of millions of people—and that are being expressed by no other first-tier political figure—she owes it to her supporters to take their cause to the open hearing and fair trial of the nation. It would be negligent and irresponsible not to do so. Elizabeth Warren belongs to that unusual group who stick by their principles even when it might cost them something, including an election.”
And now she can add comparing ISIS terrorism to the American people in the labor unions and their supporters to her list. One that is being questioned by both the left and right, causing many of us to ask, “Have the GOPs gone too far this time, biting the hands that feed them … the American voters?”