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Over a dozen pythons (yes, snakes!) on the loose in Georgia town

The ‘snake town’ is Hephzibah (pronounced HEHP’-sih-bah), Georgia and it’s about 15 minutes from Augusta. The snakes belong to resident Jacqueline Heim, who said all 14 of her pythons (they’re ‘royal pythons’) were in secure cages and someone, she has no idea who, let them loose over the weekend.

These particular pythons are not particularly dangerous (Priscilla Crisler of the Augusta Animal Services told AP that the snakes “typically are very docile”) but they truly could terrify someone. Police have warned the public they’re out there somewhere and not surprisingly Heim, state wildlife officials, the police and others are looking for them.

Heim said she believes she may know who took the snakes. “I was in the middle of moving and a person I’m just not going to mention right now was upset at me and did it,” she said. “Just kind of a childish thing, and let them out.

“Oh I’m very upset. I had my few hours of tears already over my snakes. I’m not sure if I’m going to get them back,” she said. “It’s a different kind of pet, but you do grow attached to them. You do grow affectionate for them.”

Addendum: A late report says two snakes have been found in the area of the town and police interviewed the man Heim believed took them and he admitted he did. The unidentified man said he released the other 12 into some woods. So you can go back into town but best to steer clear of the woods.

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