“As important as climate action is to our province’s future I have also always said that taking the next step, in signing on to the federal climate plan, can’t happen without the Trans Mountain pipeline,” Notley told reporters in a live address Thursday evening.
Notley ended her tirade by saying: “And let’s be clear, without Alberta that plan isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.” She also “demanded” the federal government immediately file an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, reports Straight.com.
“This ruling is bad for working families,” Notley said. “And it’s bad for the security of our country, the economic security of our country. Albertans are angry. I’m angry.” And yes, we have seen Notley angry before in the past several months, and her way of handling things is just like out Twitter-in-Chief here in the White House.
Notley is using threats with the assumption that she is speaking for”all Albertans.” And I am sorry as can be, but after putting up with the same hogwash being spouted by Trump here in the U.S., it really hits me that political leaders in Canada are trying the same tactics to get their way.
Basically, the Court of Appeal ruling has halted work on the In 1,150-kilometre project indefinitely., and Notley said, “The current state of affairs in Canada is such that building a pipeline to tidewater is practically impossible.”
Well, before Notley gets her feathers any more ruffled, she should think very seriously about what she has said this evening. Pulling out of Canada’s Climate Action Plan may be OK with her because she obviously didn’t think that much of it in the first place.
By threatening to pull the province out of the climate plan, Notley is putting the health of children and families at risk and telling the rest of Canada that Alberta doesn’t give a damned about global warming, increased forest fires, oppressive heat waves, increased respiratory illnesses or even oil spills off the coast of British Columbia.
I would say to Premier Notley, don’t dangle threats in front of the government – you may not like the outcome. I would also ask Notley to take a second look at the many technological innovations going on that directly involves bitumen production. And I will say this – Fossil fuels are on the way out, to eventually become one with the dinosaurs because if this doesn’t happen, we will end up like them – extinct.