So far, to date, the coronavirus has killed more Americans than the Korean, Vietnam, Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq wars did over a period of 70 years. Close to 3 million Americans are now infected with the virus.
Yet, people refuse to wear a face mask to protect themselves and others. In early April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that Americans wear a face cloth covering or mask in places where it is difficult to social distance from other people.
No, the wearing of a face mask was not mandated by federal law, although if it had been, and if every government official had gone along with the order, we more than likely would not be in the mess we are in today.
And let’s forget for a minute that our president, in his haste to get our failing economy back on track and help his reelection bid, refuses to wear a mask. This crisis is not about Donald Trump. It is not about Mike Pence. This is about each and every one of us.
In all my years, I have never been ashamed of my country, ever. But the past few months, and particularly today, after hearing about young people having coronavirus parties to try to get the disease and win money, quite frankly, blew my mind and made me feel that we have lost something very important in this country.
What in the hell is the matter with people? Call it pride, or a sense of respect for life and each other. Whatever you call it – it is not evident in how people are acting in the face of a dangerous virus that can kill you.
There are plenty of studies and even more documentation that wearing a mask not only will reduce the chance of a person getting the virus but frequent hand-washing and social distancing is also helpful. In this country, we have managed to extend the duration of this virus simply because we refuse to follow a few simple rules.
Nicholas Kristof wrote a very stirring opinion piece in the New York Times today explaining why Americans need to take some “personal responsibility,” and wear masks at this time.
Kristof pointed out that this country will be celebrating our Independence Day this weekend, and he writes that “If we had been this passive in 1776, we would still be part of Britain.” Yet, he also notes that we don’t seem willing to assert independence over this virus. We have given up – and America has never given in to an enemy.
U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Abrams said he suspects, Americans who choose not to wear masks, “don’t want to admit that this is the new normal,” he said. “They want the old America that they’re used to.” The thing is this – Until we get a handle on this virus – there is no normal.
So I am begging everyone – please don’t be stupid. Wear a damned face mask. It really is not a difficult thing to do, and you just might be saving a loved one’s life by not bringing this virus into your home.