The association between the factors of being messy and swearing on a regular basis come from a new psychological study. The data is based on correlation and in a test subjects who could name the most swear words within a minute were shown to score higher on an IQ test. The conclusion as simply that a rich vocabulary of swear words is a sign of rhetorical strength, suppressing the myth that those who swear have a limited vocabulary. Instead the study argues that being able to produce a string of profanity is a sign of skillful verbal dexterity.
In commenting on this study, having a wide vocabulary is a sign of wider experience and learning. Being able to recite words is not the same as understanding them and putting them into context, which is arguably a greater sign of “intelligence.” It doesn’t matter whether the words are ‘swear’ words or the names of rare butterflies, this doesn’t equate with intelligence.
The other problem with such studies is the notion of IQ, or intelligence quotient. There are different ways of measuring IQ. The intelligence quotient is a total score derived from one of several standardized tests. The basis of most (bit not all) tests is that IQ is something inherited or fixed, rather than being a product of culture and experience. To argue otherwise undermines the universal applicability built into most IQ schemes where proponents argue they can be applied across cultures.
A second study has done something similar with untidiness and IQ. Here psychological scientist Kathleen Vohs states: “Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights. Orderly environments, in contrast, encourage convention and playing it safe.”
The most controversial issues to do with IQ tests and scores is the observation that intelligence measures such as IQ scores vary between ethnic and racial groups and sexes. In some points in human history, IQ scores have been used to segregate ethnic groups or to deny women access to further education.
What is being observed is more likely learned behavior and cultural factors. Perhaps those who go to university learn more swear words? Possible those who are creative prefer mess but this doesn’t necessarily make the painter more intelligent than the more orderly architect.
The research linking language and IQ has been published in the journal Language Sciences, in a paper headed “Taboo word fluency and knowledge of slurs and general pejoratives: deconstructing the poverty-of-vocabulary myth.”