You can now simply search “Brexit” for an ever-longer, ever more disgusting list of the latest disasters. It’s an unmissable target, and everyone in Britain is failing to hit it. In keeping with that other well-known disease, American politics, the subject is now a no-go zone. What a coincidence. Same media psychology, same outcome.
That raises a few extremely banal questions.
You have to wonder if there’s any proof of education being provided at Oxbridge. Most of the UK’s astonishingly untalented, staggeringly inarticulate, and wealthy “leaders” were educated there. Nobody who can read, write, or understand simple sentences could have thought Brexit was a sane idea, let alone a good idea. They did.
Yet according to these supposedly educated people, everything about Brexit is fine. The country descends further into the predicted chaos with every passing hour, and that’s fine, too. The complete absence of vertebrae, educated or otherwise, prevents criticism.
People who don’t pay taxes (and apparently never have) are proposing higher taxes to fix the revenue black hole caused by multiple economic catastrophes. The NHS, paid for by the people who do pay taxes, is in progressively worse trouble. Austerity in future budgets will make all these situations worse.
(For the record – Anyone who thinks that what is now an effectively destitute country can afford US-style pseudo-healthcare is truly bad at arithmetic. Totally different demographics do not deliver the same outcome.)
The tax money has been siphoned off to pay for PPE gear that doesn’t work, and similar cases of total incompetence. Just in case the revenue was ever going to be enough, the government has been borrowing heavily, just in time for a large hike in interest rates.
Many of the people who paid the taxes are now homeless, while those who don’t pay taxes live in a sort of smug, exceptionally tasteless, luxury. Large amounts of land in Kent which might otherwise have been productive are now lorry parks, fouling the landscape.
The Union Jack may well lose its blue colors if Scotland leaves the UK. It’ll look like an instantly forgettable souvenir dishcloth. That’s exactly what it will be. The “blue bloods”, aka the idiot factory absurdly called the “upper class”, however, can afford to have more kids to meet the demand for more idiots. Other people can’t afford food, power, or anything else.
No amount of criticism, except when the markets pulled the plug on the pound, has made the slightest impact on this egregious excursion in excess. A collection of hyphenated halfwits and euphemistic enemas drone on regardless of multi-billion pound catastrophes.
It’s like the Republican Party has taken over the UK. Sovereignty, eh? Take the country back, you say? You idiots. Nobody’s even bothered to ask who funds the ERG, the original idiot-ocracy which started this national disgrace. Why not?
On the other side of politics, the Labour Party, which lost the un-losable election that let loose Brexit, is equally guilty of Brexit. An ineffective opposition is no opposition. Blame the Murdoch media all you want, Labour basically did the same thing as most non-conservative parties; no clear message and truly revolting infighting, therefore it lost.
It’s like the Democratic Party, which has been mercilessly (and rightly) criticized for its lack of message clarity in the mid-terms, was on the other side. They’re not even directly addressing the obvious fix – End Brexit. Getting back in the EU and/or single market will be time-consuming, and they’re not really even talking about it? Perhaps the gutlessness is contagious?
In the early days of Brexit, the idea was (somewhat more than a bit implausibly) a new British Empire based on an independent UK. Now, the heart of the “empire” which can’t even afford band-aids for itself is imploding. That’s the squeaking noise you hear whenever British politicians make noises with their mouths.
At this rate, the Home Counties might have to secede to avoid going broke. Perhaps even the cities and towns. A new hierarchy based on new regional entities like the haughty Grand Duchy of Catford and the wild jungles of the Marches of Finchley may reform the UK in some viable form. The Lord High Parking Attendant of Kettering may preside over a loose federation of tribes and huts. Patiently, the people wait for the Second Coming of The Goons.
Sanity can be hard to install. Getting it to boot up is a lot harder. Now, try to find somewhere to put it.
The opinions expressed in this Op-Ed are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Digital Journal or its members.