The video was made from satellite images taken every minute from 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 29, as the YouTube vid’s description writes. The 40-second vid shows Sandy’s evolution as the powerful storm moved northwest. The clip ends just as Sandy begins to make landfall in New Jersey and New York.
The images were collected in “super rapid scan” mode by “the GOES-14 satellite, which observes Earth from geostationary orbit (35,800 km or 22,300 miles) over the Western Hemisphere,” NASA writes.
Tuesday also saw NASA release a new satellite image of Sandy after landfall [attached]. Clouds stretched from the Atlantic Ocean westward to Chicago, NASA writes about the storm leaving 7.5 million without power, according to media reports.
As the same report notes, 38 U.S. deaths are now associated with Hurricane Sandy.
Half of Hoboken, New Jersey, is flooded, Mayor Dawn Zimmer told CNN.
President Obama signed major disaster declarations for New York and New Jersey on Tuesday, the Times writes.
Sandy is expected to turn towards western New York state during the evening before moving into Canada on Wednesday, the forecaster said.
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