The manual was part of a huge bunch of documents captured by U.S. Special Operations Forces during a raid targeting a top Islamic State official in Syria in May 2015. It was written by Daesh’s scholars apparently to regulate what are referred to as “violations” by some of the regime’s fighters, according to the International Business Times.
Reuters is also reporting that while they have seen and reviewed the document in question, and it has not been previously published, they could not confirm its authenticity.
Interestingly, in a show of modesty, throughout the document, rape is referred to as “sexual relations,” or “intercourse.” The women themselves are referred to as female captives. According to the document, the Fatwa was written in an effort to clamp down on violations in the treatment of captured women, which are “not permitted by Sharia law.”
Going into great detail, reports Fox news, the document explains a man must not have sexual relations with women while they are pregnant or try to abort a fetus. There are also several pages of rules detailing how family members should avoid having intercourse with the same woman, as well as rules against having intercourse with women from the same family.
For example, the document states: “The owner of two sisters is not allowed to have intercourse with both of them; rather he may only have intercourse with just one.” The IB Times notes that the document appears to ramble a bit, sometimes repeating itself, while showing the writer’s fascination with the female menstrual cycle.
As its first rule, the Fatwa declares: “It is not permissible for the owner of a female captive to have intercourse with her until she has had her menstrual cycle and becomes clean.” And in case that directive wasn’t clear enough, a later rule states: “It is not permissible to have intercourse with a female captive during her menstrual cycle”.
There are even rules on the ownership of a female captive, just to be sure no one gets in an argument over sole possession. The Fatwa states: “If two or more individuals are involved in purchasing a female captive, none of them are permitted to have intercourse with her because she is part of a joint ownership.”
The documents were discovered on CDs, pen drives and papers, and have proven to be invaluable in learning about the inner working of the Jihadist state. One document, referring to a January 2015 directive, outlines the rule for human organ harvesting and using parts from live prisoners to save the lives of Muslims.
A version of that document translated from the original Arabic by the U.S. government says: “Allah almighty knows best what is right and what is wrong, and there is evidence from texts and Islamic principles and laws supporting the notion that transplanting healthy organs from an apostate’s body into a Muslim body in order to save the latter’s life or replace a damaged organ with it is permissible.”
The document also explains why a person is allowed to consume human flesh if it is meant to save his own life, saying: “The apostate’s life and organs don’t have to be respected and may be taken without impunity.”
A leading ISIS expert at Princeton University, Cole Bunzel, says the Fatwa on the treatment of women captives went far beyond what had previously been published by the militant group. “It reveals the actual concerns of IS slave owners,” he said in an email to Reuters. Does this mean ISIS is becoming more empathetic of their sex slaves? Don’t bet your neck on it.
Professor Abdel Fattah Alawari, dean of Islamic Theology at Al-Azhar University, a 1,000-year-old Egyptian center for Islamic learning says ISIS’s ideologies “has nothing to do with Islam,” and ISIS was deliberately misreading centuries-old verses and rulings originally designed to end, rather than encourage slavery.
“Islam preaches freedom to slaves, not slavery. Slavery was the status quo when Islam came around,” he said. “Judaism, Christianity, Greek, Roman, and Persian civilizations all practiced it and took the females of their enemies as sex slaves. So Islam found this abhorrent practice and worked to gradually remove it,” he added.
The terrorist regime can call these enslaved females “women captives” if they want, but the women and young girls kidnapped and dragged screaming into the clutches of ISIS are sex slaves, taken by force for the pleasure of a marauding army, just like the comfort women taken by the Japanese Imperial Army in WWII . That isn’t civilized in any sense of the word.