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Hillary Clinton surges ahead of Trump in first polls after debate

Clinton takes lead

In a poll from Politico/Morning Consult, Clinton has a three point lead nationally among probable voters, up from the 1.8 point lead she had before the debate.

In a Reuters/Ipso poll released Wednesday she was found to have a four point lead over Trump (42 percent to 38) while Libertarian Gary Johnson (seven percent) and Green Party candidate Jill Stein (two percent) continue to trail badly. Head to head against Trump the Reuters/Ipso poll found Clinton has a six point lead.

The results of a CNN poll conducted Monday evening of respondents who had watched the debate had Clinton beating Trump 62 percent to 27 percent.

Trump, and many of his supporters, were crowing about his having been viewed as the winner in many polls but the polls he spoke of were online polls where citizens navigate to a website and vote from their device. One poll cited by Trump, from the conservative Drudge Report, had Trump winning the debate 82 percent to 18 percent.

In an interview, Trump noted his victory in that poll and also claimed a post-debate poll by CBS said he had won the debate. However, as CBS was quick to point out, they did not conduct a post-debate poll.

Newspaper backs Clinton

As reported by Digital Journal, another swing toward Clinton came from the backing of the Arizona Republic, a conservative newspaper founded in 1890 that has only backed Republican candidates in its 126 year history. The Republic, the largest newspaper in Arizona, came out in favor of Clinton Tuesday.

“The challenges the United States faces domestically and internationally demand a steady hand, a cool head and the ability to think carefully before acting,” the paper wrote. “Hillary Clinton understands this. Donald Trump does not. Clinton has the temperament and experience to be president. Donald Trump does not.”

The paper also said that Clinton “is the only choice to move America ahead.” Meanwhile, Real Clear Politics said she now has a 2.9 point lead nationally in RCP poll averages, and climbing.

The debate was viewed by 84 million people worldwide.

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