A newly published study by Australian academics using time series aerial and satellite imagery of 33 reef islands from 1947- 2014 reveals that 11 islands across the northern Solomon Islands have either totally disappeared over recent decades or are currently experiencing severe erosion due to sea level rise.
The five islands — Kakatina, Kale, Rapita, Rehana and Zollies — that vanished ranged in size from one to five hectares and supported dense tropical vegetation that was at least 300 years old. The authors of the study said:
Climate change induced sea-level rise is anticipated to be one of the greatest challenges for humanity over the coming century. Shoreline recession at two sites has destroyed villages that have existed since at least 1935, leading to community relocations.
The report also warned that Taro, the capital of Choiseul Province,is likely to be the first provincial capital in the world to relocate its residents in response to the impact of sea-level rise.
Melchior Mataki who chairs the Solomon Islands’ National Disaster Council, said:
This ultimately calls for support from development partners and international financial mechanisms such as the Green Climate Fund. This support should include nationally driven scientific studies to inform adaptation planning to address the impacts of climate change in Solomon Islands.
Solomon Islands, seen as a hot-spot for sea-level rise due to climate change, has seen its sea-level rise at almost three times the global average, around 7-10 mm per year since 1993.