Trump: Clinton “crazy”
He did so at a rally in Manheim, Penn. on Saturday night. Trump brought up temperament, a prominent subject in last Monday’s debate where he railed about what a great temperament he has and a bad one Hillary Clinton has; he lost his cool, and his temper, in the process.
He went further in Manheim Satruday, suggesting his opponent not only does not have a good temperament, but is not capable of having one because she lacks sanity. He speculated that she is bonkers.
“I have a winning temperament,” Trump told his crowd. “She has got bad temperament. She could be crazy. She could actually be crazy.”
He did not offer proof of his accusation, but the partisan crowd roared anyways. Of course the gloves were arguably long-off in this political battle already. And political pundits will say it’s like the pot calling the kettle black given Trump has shown he may have mental conditions, narcissism being one. Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard, recently told Vanity Fair that Trump is “remarkably narcissistic.”
And George Simon, a clinical psychologist who lectures on manipulative behaviors, also spoke to Vanity Fair about Trump being a narcissist. “He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics,” Simon said. “Otherwise, I would have had to hire actors and write vignettes. He’s like a dream come true.”
Clinton: Trump “unhinged”
It must be pointed out Clinton has partaken of the lunacy of name-calling around the subject of her opponent’s sanity, suggesting Trump had become “unhinged” in a tweet. This came after he posted a serious of nasty tweets between 3:20 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. about former-beauty queen Alicia Machado on Friday.
Times appear to have changed when it comes to name-calling. Go back to the 1988 election when George Bush Sr. beat Michael Dukakis. Dukakis was rumored to have seen a psychiatrist at various times in his life and he refused to release full medical records. Even with such provocation Bush Sr. himself did not call Dukakis crazy or suggest he was mentally unsound and unfit for the presidency.
Finally, it appears that Trump’s mental state is a concern for his own supporters. In a Pew Research poll last month, 34 percent of them said Trump’s temperament, or lack thereof, was their main concern regarding his candidacy while another 40 percent said their main concern was his personality.
In that poll 18 percent of Clinton supporters said her personality or character was a concern for them. The poll did not specifically ask Clinton or Trump supporters, or those who supported the other candidate, if they thought either was crazy.