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Donald Trump backtracks on promise to release full medical record

Trump: no medical records

The promise made on Sunday was to release an extensive batch of recent medical tests, which the Democrats have been asking him to do throughout the campaign. Sunday was not the first time he promised to release his full medical records, he said the same thing the week before, on September 6.

But not now.

Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway was on MSNBC Wednesday calling for a release of full medical reports on Hillary Clinton. But when asked about her candidate, who has only released a hand-written note from his doctor that said should he win Trump “will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” Conway indicated Trump will not release extensive reports.

“I don’t know why we need such extensive medical reporting when we all have a right to privacy,” she told host Andrea Mitchell. The campaign had said earlier in the week he had gone for testing but she did not say if their about-face had anything to do with negative results coming back.

On Wednesday Trump taped an appearance on the Dr. Oz show but did not release medical records and only alluded to tests he recently had, reports say. Journalists were not allowed at the taping but accounts say it was revealed he is overweight at 236 lbs. He admits to a fondness for fast foods such as McDonald’s.

On the show, Trump, 70, said he takes a statin, a common drug to lower cholesterol. In his family history there is no history of heart disease; his father, Fred Trump, a New York real estate developer who died at 93, contracted Alzheimer’s Disease late in his long life.

Clinton releases health info

Also Wednesday, the Clinton team released a second letter from her physician, Dr. Lisa R. Bardack, that gave current health details. The letter said Clinton’s recent illness was a “mild, non-contagious bacterial pneumonia” and that she was put on 10 days of the antibiotic Levaquin and is recovering nicely.

The letter also noted that the 68-year-old Clinton has a blood pressure of 100 over 70 and her LDL (bad cholesterol) was 103 and her HDL (good cholesterol) was 56; all those numbers are in the healthy range showing no need for medications.

According to the letter the Democratic nominee for president had both a normal mammogram and breast ultrasound. Dr. Bardack said Clinton was “fit to be president.” Clinton has gone back out on the campaign trail today.

Trump has also refused to release his income tax returns, something presidential candidates traditionally do release. Clinton released her tax returns over a month ago. The Democrats have repeatedly asked for Trump to release his returns.

(NOTE: The Trump appearance on the Dr. Oz show aired Thursday; on it he showed Dr. Oz two pages of health information).

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