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Colin Powell email calls Donald Trump ‘national disgrace,’ racist

Powell’s emails hacked

The emails were hacked from Powell’s server and posted to an anonymous website called DCLeaks. There were reports Russia may have stolen the emails, though there’s been no evidence released by anyone to suggest that is the case. A member of Powell’s staff told CBS News they had “no idea who did it and no further comment at this time.”

In an email to an aide, Powell called Trump a ‘national disgrace” and “international pariah.” He also wrote that the “birther movement was racist.” Trump is part of an ad hoc group of people called ‘birthers’ who believe, despite incontrovertible proof to the contrary, that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Trump has never publicly disavowed his birther belief but Rudy Giuliani claims the GOP nominee for president now concedes Obama was born in the U.S.

In an email Powell criticized Trump for his viewpoint of blacks and scoffed at him for pretending to care about them. He does not believe blacks will fall for Trump’s recent attempts to woo African Americans to vote for him.

“There is nothing he can say that will sway black voters,” he wrote. “He takes us for idiots. He can never overcome what he tried to do to Obama with his search for the birth certificate…the whole birther movement was racist.

“And for him to say yesterday that within four years he would have 95% of blacks voting for him is schizo fantasy,” he added.

There were also emails with harsh words for the Democrat’s candidate. In one he said Hillary Clinton was a friend but that she was forever screwing things up because of her “hubris.” Powell said he tired of Clinton and her team using him as an example of a Secretary of State who used a private email server. He told her team many times not to “tie” him into their excuses.

It was Powell’s gmail account that was hacked.

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