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Clinton leaves 9/11 ceremony, doctor says she has pneumonia

Clinton: felt overheated

Clinton, who had a coughing fit at an event in Cleveland six days ago, was at Ground Zero for 90 minutes when she had to leave and was taken to her daughter Chelsea’s home.

As she neared the vehicle to take her video shows her buckling at the knees. She was being aided by two of her security personnel and did not fall. It was extremely hot and Clinton’s campaign team said she felt “overheated.”

Once at her daughter’s apartment her campaign team said she rested and drank fluids before being taken to her home in Chappaqua. She is said to be feeling much better and this afternoon her physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, released a statement on the episode and Clinton’s health.

“While at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated,” Dr. Bardack said in the statement. “I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely.

“Secretary Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies,” she added. “On Friday, during follow up evaluation of her prolonged cough, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule.”

Right wing ‘healthers’

Republican Rudy Giuliani has long been claiming that Clinton is hiding an illness but his speculations are not connected to Sunday’s episode. His claims have been shown to be false.

Media have begun referring to Giuliani and others as ‘healthers,’ after the debunked ‘birther’ movement which insisted President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. Both Giuliani and Trump were birthers but Giuliani said Thursday that they now believe Obama was born in the U.S. (he was born in Hawaii).

Recently, right-wing commentators mistook a small flashlight a Clinton security team member used to help her negotiate a dark backstage before a speech for a syringe of diazepam (a muscle relaxant for relieving anxiety). Others published falsified documents making (false) claims of illness.

Dr. Bardack released a detailed report showing Clinton to be in good health. Donald Trump has not published a health report but his physician released a handwritten document he said he wrote in five minutes. Dr. Harold Bornstein said he wrote it quickly because a limo was waiting to take it to Trump. Dr. Bornstein said Trump’s ‘…blood pressure and lab results were astonishingly excellent.”

The Clinton campaign has not said to what degree she will curtail campaigning to comply with her doctor’s advice.

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