In the video, a robin is seen unconscious on the ground. The robin was believed to have been knocked out by flying into a window. Another robin, thought to be an “associate” of the other robin (robins spend most of their time apart), attempts to revive the fallen bird. The robin slaps the wings of the unconscious bird and seemingly gives the quiescent bird the kiss of life by making a motion towards the beak.
After this proved unsuccessful, the robin moves round the begins to stroke his fallen friend with his beak. He then attempts to move the fallen bird around. This is an interesting alteration of tactics.
Eventually the fallen bird wakes up, by flapping its wings and then looking around. A final peck from the savior bird sends the bird into the sky, with the rescuer close behind.
The video is shown here (original video via The Daily Mail newspaper):
The birds are the European robin (Erithacus rubecula). Adult birds are 12.5–14.0 centimeters (5.0–5.5 inches) long and they weighs 16–22 grams (9/16–13/16 ounces), and they have a typical wingspan of 20–22 centimeters (8–9 inches.)
It is important not to over-interpret animal behavior; however, the video is remarkable and few activities of a similar nature have been reported previously. Male robins are noted for their highly aggressive territorial behavior and neither males nor females are known for associating together for long periods.