The two suspects were wearing masks and they stuffed the gators into the bags they had with them. The incident occurred on Saturday, around 2 a.m., and it was caught on video. After the suspects stuffed the alligators into their bags, they ended up jumping over a fence and leaving.
Jamie Bridges, the manager of the farm, grew up on the farm. Bridges just wants some answers to know if the alligators are safe. He added that the farm is a sanctuary for gators.
The farm is an attraction and it first opened in 1902 in Hot Springs. Bridges said in 1945, his grandfather bought it and it is a place where Bridges and his family can share their love for alligators with everyone who visits.
The alligators were young, as they were just under a year old, and they were not that big either. The reptiles were only 12 inches in length.
Although no suspects have been arrested yet, Bridges does think the two responsible were familiar with the farm. Whether Bridges gets the gators back or not, he is concerned about their safety.
Bridges said that he hopes the reptiles are brought to someone who will take care of them.