Bodies by the dozen are piled up at an overfull forensic morgue in Ecuador’s drug violence-plagued city of Guayaquil; the stench of death hanging...
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Bodies by the dozen are piled up at an overfull forensic morgue in Ecuador’s drug violence-plagued city of Guayaquil; the stench of death hanging...
A modest wooden school in the middle of the Colombian Amazon preserves the memory of atrocities perpetrated against Indigenous people by rubber industrialists more...
Assailants gunned down the chief warden of an Ecuador prison Sunday as citizens across the nation cast ballots on proposed tougher measures to fight a...
Fast-rising Mexican music star Peso Pluma identifies with Spider-Man. His critics accuse him of glamorizing drug-trafficking villains.
A former Honduran first lady said she will contest the 2025 presidential elections, an announcement that follows days after her husband’s conviction for trafficking...
It is an image that has become common in countries hit by gang violence like Ecuador and El Salvador: shirtless and subdued prisoners lined...
A New York jury began deliberations Thursday in the trial of former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez on charges of drug trafficking, including the...
Lopez Obrador denied that he had breached data protection regulations.
Orange-clad prisoners line up with military precision to exercise and sweep floors at an Ecuador prison where drug lords once enjoyed jacuzzis and nightclubs,...
A crowd of students runs panicked through the campus of a university in Ecuador while others block a classroom door in fear of an...