Darren Beattie, an influential figure in Trump's "MAGA" has been named acting under secretary for public diplomacy and public affairs.
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Darren Beattie, an influential figure in Trump's "MAGA" has been named acting under secretary for public diplomacy and public affairs.
Democracy happens to be the only form of government you can actually do anything about. If it goes, you have no options.
It can’t happen here,” you said. Well, it did happen, and it can happen again.
Does that look organized to you?
In New York, “rent” is a four-letter word with good reason. “Valuation” could be the next one.
Former president Donald Trump appeared before ardent supporters in the deeply conservative southern state of Alabama on Friday.
One of the reasons that Rome fell was because they ran out of Romans. Looks like someone’s running out of Americans.
Around the country, parents, politicians and school boards are challenging the content of books at a pace not seen in decades.
Donald Trump delivered a crowd-pleasing speech to thousands of adoring supporters in Arizona.