Tech & Science
The 10-minute maiden flight of the HY4 took place at Stuttgart Airport in southwestern Germany on Thursday, September 29 with two pilots and two...
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The 10-minute maiden flight of the HY4 took place at Stuttgart Airport in southwestern Germany on Thursday, September 29 with two pilots and two...
Rice University researchers have been experimenting with layers of graphene separated by nanotube pillars of boron nitride. This construct appears to be the most...
Estimated to cost $962,000, about five times the cost of an ordinary diesel bus, car giant Toyota Motor Corporation’s fuel cell (FC) bus is...
The Independent reports on the electricity-generating battery. Hydrogen and oxygen combine in a small fuel cell, leaving behind trace amounts of waste heat and...
Based on a report by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, platinum is being used increasingly in chemical plants as a catalyst....
As oil dependence continues to become a major challenge for world economies, alternative energy may soon gain attention with policy makers, engineers and environmentalists....
Digital Journal — The first hydrogen-powered fuel-cell car will be available to consumers in mid-2008, Honda announced. The FCX Clarity will only be available...
Gasoline prices in the United States are hovering at around three dollars a gallon. There is rising concern over the global environment and political...
BANGKOK (dpa) – It is projected to replace the toxin-spewing internal combustion engine, and forecast to rival the television and Internet in terms of...
FRANKFURT (dpa) – Amid the glamour, horsepower and polished chrome at the Frankfurt car show manufacturers are aware that unless they show some effort...