Classical Sanskrit is the root of many Indo-Aryan group languages and is sometimes a cause of debate among Indians. According to statistics, less than...
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Classical Sanskrit is the root of many Indo-Aryan group languages and is sometimes a cause of debate among Indians. According to statistics, less than...
Stranded by floods and lost, a German backpacker survived for about two weeks in Australia’s inhospitable Outback on a diet of insects, police said...
Stranded by floods and lost, a German backpacker survived for about two weeks in Australia’s inhospitable Outback on a diet of insects, police said...
Stranded by floods and lost, a German backpacker survived for around two weeks in Australia’s inhospitable Outback on a diet of insects, police said...
HAMBURG (dpa) – A metre-long board has been pinned to the wall of the office of Stefan Aust on the 11th floor of the...
WARSAW (dpa) – Elzbieta Twardowska clutches a note with the number 128 written on it, another set of digits in the 73-year-old woman’s battle...
LANGENBRUCK (dpa) – Germany is well-known for its keenness for clubs, associations and societies, but Langenbruck’s “Erste Nasenclub der Welt E.V. (World’s First Nose...
FRANKFURT (dpa) – BSE, or “mad cow disease”, has become such a worry to many German consumers that many are forsaking their traditional beef...
FRANKFURT (dpa) – BSE, or “mad cow disease”, has become such a worry to many German consumers that many are forsaking their traditional beef...
CONSTANCE, Germany (dpa) – Two men who have been left wearing artificial limbs following serious accidents have become the first disabled Germans to obtain...