Tech & Science
Microplastics have been found in the blood of cows and pigs in a study that raises questions over the food chain.
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Microplastics have been found in the blood of cows and pigs in a study that raises questions over the food chain.
Data is a valuable resource across all sectors and this also stands with food production. While many technologies remain at early stages of development,...
Through the purchase Amazon intends to disrupt the way food reaches consumers through applying its consumer-friendly cost-cutting regimen to a range of Whole Foods...
Putting this figure into context, spiders catch, kill and eat approximately the same amount as the weight of meat and fish eaten every year...
The Internet is filled with web pages offering ways to prevent foodborne illnesses, and most often, they focus on how to safely prepare and...
The chefs are currently testing new ingredients for future menu items, The Daily Meal reports. David Farmer is Chick-fil-A’s vice president of menu strategy...
The numbers coming in, along with the graphic pictures of hundreds of dead sea lion pups, is disheartening and gut-wrenching. But marine scientists continue...
PCBs, polychlorinated biphenyls, were once used in everything from electrical supplies and plastics to flame retardants and paints. But once it was discovered that...