Tech & Science
Google announced the decision in a blog post today. The Unicode Emoji Subcommittee (UES), the group responsible for deciding which emoji should be usable...
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Google announced the decision in a blog post today. The Unicode Emoji Subcommittee (UES), the group responsible for deciding which emoji should be usable...
The project has been built by researchers at the University of Plymouth and is known as GOTPass. It is based around a pattern lock...
In a move that would probably cause George Orwell to roll over in his grave, the dictionary maker announced on Monday that this year’s...
How people express laughter online has evolved from the old expression “lol” in favor of typing “haha” or inserting an emoji, said Facebook in...
The Huffington Post reports how Intelligent Environments have found that emoji could offer over three million password combinations. In comparison, there are only 7,290...
The petition is being held on and was started by a website called Ginger Parrot, according to the Independent. Emma Kelly of Ginger...
The petition, which argued the status promoted self-destructive thoughts, gathered more than 16,000 signatures. The petition said that when Facebook users set “feeling fat”...