The real question is this – What’s to talk about? This is do or die.
Hi, what are you looking for?
The real question is this – What’s to talk about? This is do or die.
A drought in the Peruvian Andes has ravaged alpaca flocks and withered potato crops, forcing the government to declare a state of emergency.
As climate change dries out Europe, the Netherlands, a country known for its overabundance of water, is suddenly confronting drought.
As flies buzz over his tiny body, two-year-old Sadak Ibrahim barely whimpers, too weak to cry or shoo them away.
On Sutton Page's ravaged cotton fields, there is almost nothing left to pick. The Texas farmer managed to salvage maybe a fifth of his...
The entire useless multi-decades-long argument boils down to one thing – Do you believe in thermodynamics, yes or no?
A UN-chartered ship loaded with 23,000 tonnes of Ukrainian wheat destined for Ethiopia docked in neighbouring Djibouti on Tuesday.
The world's second-largest economy has experienced over 70 days of heatwaves.
Half of China's vast territory is now experiencing drought, including parts of the frigid Tibetan Plateau, official data showed.
China says it will try to protect its grain harvest from record-setting drought by using chemicals to generate rain.