For their defenders, the drugs lecanemab and donanemab represent the first real chance to fight the disease after decades of research.
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For their defenders, the drugs lecanemab and donanemab represent the first real chance to fight the disease after decades of research.
Cleo Childs chatted about her debut spoken word project "Moving With," and the inspiration behind it.
The scientists found a variety of methods that were effective in preventing abnormal brain activity and subsequent cognitive impairment.
Graphene oxide affects the metabolism of the cells, in a way that increases their resistance to misfolded proteins and oxidative stress.
"Not the Same Clarence" is a narrative short film that was written and directed by Brian Russell and Samuel B. Russell, which raises awareness...
There's currently no cure for Alzheimer's disease. But there is medicine available that can temporarily reduce the symptoms. How available should it be?
On Sunday, June 20, country artist Jay Allen will host "Songs to End ALZ: An evening in support of The Longest Day and the...
He expressed that Christmas is a hard time of the year without his mother around, however, he chooses to smile since he knows that...
He penned the song with Jason Nix. “Today, marks the four-year anniversary of writing ‘Blank Stares’ with my friend Jason Nix,” he said via...
On one level the human brain is universal: we share the same features and function. However, probing the intricacies of the brain a little...