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Woman parked in disabled space freaks out when questioned

A video of the confrontation between the unidentified woman and the man was uploaded to YouTube on Monday by a man who gave his name as Ryan Favro. It is not known when the incident took place but it happened in the parking lot of a Toronto Tim Horton’s.

When the woman emerges from the restaurant with a coffee in one hand and what appears to be an iced cappuccino in the other, she goes to get into her car parked in a handicapped parking spot right in front of the entrance. The man recording this asks her if she is disabled to which she replies “no.” He then questions why she is parked in a disabled parking space.

She begins to get in her car and says, “Record me and I’ll break your f*****g phone.” Undeterred, the man walks around to the front of her car to record the license plate and she emerges from the vehicle and says, “Back the f**k up.” She then throws a a cup of coffee at him.

He asks her why she is so special she can park in a disabled spot and she throws another full cup at him before getting back into her car. He then says he’s going to give the video to the police and she replies, “Good for you, good for you.”

She then drives off and the video clearly shows the spot she was in was reserved for the disabled. CP24 reports Favro as saying the woman tried to intimidate him with her car as she left the parking lot.

The video has gone viral. As Huffington Post reports reaction on social media varies between saying the woman has no respect for the law or the disabled to sympathy for the unnamed woman because she is being denigrated on social media for making a mistake. One person wrote the man should have confronted her but should have done so politely. Others said no matter what happened she should not have thrown drinks at the man.

Mark Pugash, spokesman for the Toronto Police Service, said there is nothing the police can do unless a victim comes forward with a complaint.

The penalty in Ontario for parking in a handicap spot without a proper permit is a $450 fine.

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