WASHINGTON (voa) – The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service has tightened rules for foreign student and tourist visas.
Immigration officials say that effective immediately, foreigners must obtain student visas before studying in the United States. Until now, most students were allowed to enter the country on a tourist visa, while awaiting student status.
The INS was embarrassed and heavily criticized last month for sending out approved student visas to two of the terrorists who were killed last September 11th flying hijacked planes into the World Trade Center in New York City.
Entering the United States as visitors, the two had applied for student visas while training at a flight school in Florida. The incident has brought calls from some lawmakers to break apart the agency and rebuild it.
Also on Monday, the INS proposed changing the time limit on visas for tourists and business travelers from six months to about 30 days. An INS official says visa holders will have to show compelling reasons to extend their stays.