More surprising is that Win 7, like XP, is still core tech for many people. Almost nobody moved from Win 7, less than 1% of users. Some people did upgrade prior to the January 14, 2020 cut-off date, but not much movement has been seen since.
Seems the new operating systems don’t appeal to people for various reasons. It’s understandable that businesses, in particular, wouldn’t be too keen on upgrading whole networks of office computers. It’s expensive, it’s time-consuming, and there can be IT issues with related business software.
A collateral issue – Windows 12 Lite Linux does what Windows 10 can’t?
An interesting, if also irritating, related issue has almost instantly arisen, apparently as a direct result of the Windows 10 issues. Linux, the open source operating system, has released a thing called Windows 12 Lite.
The presentation of this operating system leaves a lot to be desired but it’s riding on the back of Windows 10’s problems and solving them. It even looks like Windows 10, and is said to be immune to ransomware, faster than Win 10, runs alongside Windows 7 and 10, and quite a lot more. Also supposedly good for gamers on Steam, a significant selling point for just about everyone.
Ahh… Would this be a real reflection of the market receptivity to anything without the fuss of Windows 10’s misadventures? Yep. Would it be good market positioning? Yep. Would something like that have an impact if it went mainstream? No guesses required. It’d go supernova.
Point being – If open source can do this, why can’t Microsoft? Open source works on a shoestring. Microsoft has billions. Is it credible that Microsoft couldn’t do something like that? Hardly, and that’s getting on some people’s nerves. “Market leader won’t do what open source has already done” isn’t a great look. Whether Windows 12 Lite delivers or not, it’s pushing the buttons people want pushed.
Important – Many people in the sector have flagged a few issues with Windows 12 Lite, not least of which is possibly iffy information. Open source presentation is typically lousy, but it’d be advisable to watch and see what sort of issues it has.
Why the constant issues and problems? Why not a simple fix?
There’s a basic point to be made here. Windows is Windows. It’s a fundamentally good, easy-to-use system. The current situation and endless annoying little things look like Microsoft is trying to micromanage the macro operating system environment. That can’t work. The big picture is now being affected, to Microsoft’s disadvantage.
All operating systems stem from the core system. How much of these revised Windows systems can really be called “new”? What’s the added value of things which perform the same core functions? This is a very strong case for “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” OK, things like Surface and Azure need up-to-date stuff and businesses need Cloud-specific systems, but who else does?
Hardware moves on, sure, but a switch is still a switch. Tech changes but moves through a limited range of actual physical interfaces, whether they’re phones or whatever. User basic needs don’t change that much. You don’t buy a new house just to have somewhere to put a flat screen TV.
There’s also a built-in fallacy in the hardware mix. People generally upgrade on their existing computers. They don’t get new hardware. So the hardware thing isn’t really that much of an issue for anyone unless someone has a very old computer. (This is the mainstream market I’m talking about, not the more advanced operating systems.)
Put it this way:
• Reliability beats kitschy gimmick stuff any day. “New” isn’t necessarily a synonym for “useful to me”.
• Nobody needs or wants to think about new operating systems and system issues all the time.
• Nobody needs added costs.
• A simple smooth transition to next gen operating systems could be a lot cheaper and better for Microsoft. Click, done.
• The apparent angst and misery for Microsoft seems totally counterproductive. How is it better for Microsoft to agonize over code issues, etc.?
What’s wrong with Windows current system > Version X.1 or whatever > Need something specific > check out our other stuff which goes with X.1. How much easier could it get? Minimal disruption, controlled evolution of operating systems, it’s all part of the method. You could cost it to the last cent, too, unlike the take it or leave it approach, which in this case has got precisely nowhere.
Simpler and less disruptive has to be better. Creating an on/off system for operating systems support doesn’t seem to work at all well. Meanwhile, can we see if Windows 12 Lite is a workable option?