Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder, linked to problems with neurodevelopmental type. The condition is characterized by the sufferer having problems paying attention; this is accompanied by excessive activity and sometimes difficulty controlling behavior. The condition is generally observable from the age six, and it is classed as such when the behaviors continue for over six months.
Children with ADHD generally experience problems at both school and home, and poor study performance can result. For several reasons, kids with ADHD are more likely to have low self-esteem. Sometimes low self-esteem can manifest itself as a pathological condition. This can arise from successive failures of ‘doing something wrong’ or as the result of repeatedly being told there is something “wrong” with the sufferer.
To address issues of low self-esteem with kids with ADHD a new app has been developed. The digital aid, called iGotThis, aims to turn around problems with self-esteem and productivity. The app is task-focused and it has been developed for families where one person has ADHD.
The main focus of the app is to build-up self-esteem and self-confidence by ensuring repeated success. The app has several features intended to keep kids with ADHD focused and motivated. Repeated successes are highlighted through a reminder system and motivation is boosted through a rewards feature. Rewards are in the form of tokens, and the tokens that kids earn are then redeemed for rewards in the app. Parents n have the flexibility to set up a menu of rewards for the children to choose from. Much of the app’s exercises are game based and designed to provide positive reinforcement.
The app also provides data for parents to review, providing real-time information that parents can access remotely via their own mobile devices or via a web accessible dashboard. Parents can also access additional features like a planning wizard. In addition, parents can also access forums where ideas can be shared. This adds a community element to the app experience.
The development phase for the app has been completed and additional funding is being sought via Kickstarter. Once the funding round has been completed, the app will be made available via Apple and Google stores.