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Mozilla celebrates 10,000 days of the web

As of today, the web as we know it is 10,000 days old. In that time, it has evolved from a simple repository of individually linked documents to the dynamic, self-sustaining ecosystem we know today. Along the way, it’s passed through several designs, taking in the flashing banners of the 90s, rounded chrome of the 00s and more recently flat shades of colour.
The scope of the internet has also changed dramatically. In the beginning, a webpage was a single page. Soon, JavaScript and Flash added interactivity, letting web developers build games and fledgling “apps” for the browser. Today, a “web app” looks no different to any other kind of app. Web apps can even be installed directly to home screens and games can utilise hardware controllers and virtual reality headsets.
The original internet and the system we interact with today are different to the point of being almost unrecognisable. The “distributed information system” for CERN was built to host static webpages of information. You used the page and then clicked through to another one.
Now it’s more common for websites to dynamically update themselves without you clicking anything. Facebook will automatically notify you of new posts and email apps display their content inline without opening new windows or frames. Increasingly, the web anticipates your actions instead of directly responding to commands.
Mozilla has created a Thunderclap campaign to publicise what the web has achieved. When the web turns 10,000 days old, Thunderclap will automatically post a message to the social accounts of every supporter, wishing followers a “Happy #10kDays to the Web.”
“Come July 28th, the web will be 10k days old,” said Mozilla in the campaign message. “The web is still in its infancy but through its public release, there has been a tremendous impact on lives around the world. You can get a degree online; order medicine; learn to cook mac and cheese pizza; get real-time news from around the globe; play Overwatch with your friends (or strangers); and binge on the weirdest GIFs imaginable.”

Mozilla is celebrating 10 000 days of the web

Mozilla is celebrating 10,000 days of the web

The internet was developed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee as a system to help facilitate the transfer of information at CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research. On March 12, 1989, he submitted a proposal for a “distributed information system” that later came to be called the World Wide Web. The proposal was accepted, making today the 10,000th day of the web.
Berners-Lee’s work included developing the first ever web server, web browser and webpage authoring software. He released the web to the world for free, allowing anyone to use it without paying royalties or fees. In recent years, he has been campaigning to help ensure the web retains its open nature. It has come under threat from proposals such as net neutrality regulations and the EU’s “right to be forgotten” legislation for search engines.
Mozilla will be tweeting messages to raise awareness of the web’s evolution throughout the day on the Firefox Twitter account. With so many changes delivered over the past 10,000 days, there’s a lot to look back on. The next 10,000 days could prove to be just as interesting, tracking the web as it evolves to host virtual reality games, further integration with operating systems and new experiences we haven’t even begun to consider yet.

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