Solar panel electricity systems, also known as solar photovoltaics, capture the sun’s energy directly using photovoltaic cells (or indirectly using concentrated solar power.) The efficiency of solar panels varies and even the most efficient only work best where there is a long day-time exposure to sunlight.
India is a prime example of a suitable country where investment in solar power makes sense. The installed grid of connected solar power has a capacity of 7,568 mega-watts, and there are plans for the grid to expand. In addition to the main grid, many middle class Indian families are having solar panels fitted onto the roofs of their homes. As Indian technology expert Abhijit Athavale (@abhijitathavale) tweeted: “…for anyone interested in Solar power in India. Monkeys!”
Solar panels are typically arranged in solar modules. These arrangements use light energy (photons) from the Sun to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect (a combination of a physical and chemical effect whereby a voltage or electric current is created in a material upon exposure to light.) The majority of modules use wafer-based crystalline silicon cells or thin-film cells based on cadmium telluride or silicon.
With the installation of any power system it’s a good idea to take out insurance. As well as damage from the elements, or structural problems related to the dwelling, in India there is another significant problem: monkeys. Such is the extent of the damage caused by monkeys that those fitting solar panels on the roofs of their homes are having to take out special insurance to guard against the damage caused.
One such homeowner, called Narendra Sethi, told NDTV that with his home installation: “monkeys climbed to the roof, damaged the panels and carried off the connector cables.”
As well as the added protection from insurance, Mr. Sethi has learnt a few tricks, such as mounting solar panels at a height keeps them out of reach of marauding monkeys; in addition, tilting the solar panels at a certain angle means the monkeys cannot easily climb up and remain afoot to cause damage.