A series of experts have noted that passwords, from the business perspective, continue to provide a poor user experience and represent risks for employees and employers. In particular, weak passwords remain a major problem when it comes to the risk of unauthorized data and account access.
Providing commentary to Digital Journal are executives from nCipher Security.
Employees can play their part
According to Peter Galvin, Chief Strategy Officer: “Employees can play their part in cybersecurity and personal data privacy by practicing good password hygiene.”
This means regularly updating passwords and putting into place multi-factor authentication. It is also important not to use public Wi-Fi networks, which are often unsecure, as are shared computers. Galvin also recommends that people resist: “The urge to click on links from unknown sources.”
Change you password regularly
Cindy Provin, SVP of Entrust Datacard and General Manager, says that: “Password creation and change are often key themes of cybersecurity and personal data privacy conversations.”
She recommends that people do not form passwords based on information like the year of use, our elect to use personal information relating to birthdays or names. She says: “It makes it easier for bad actors to guess your password. Yet many of us do that anyway because it helps us to recall the array of passwords we need to remember.”
Beware of public spaces
John Grimm, VP of Strategy and Business Development, warns that the ‘new normal’ presents risk: “Hackers are already exploiting the work from home surge, preying on poorly protected networks and users whose guard is down.” He states that what is needed is high-assurance, credential-based authentication in the workplace.