Yellowbrick is a data warehouse providing hybrid cloud solutions. For the report, Yellowbrick surveyed over 1,000 enterprise IT managers and executives in May to see how IT departments were grappling with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report is titled “Analytics and Cloud Infrastructure Spending During Disruption.”
The report indicates that the vast majority of IT professionals, at 96 percent, report that COVID-19 has changed their thinking. This includes those polled stating that the current situation has made their lives more centered on technology than ever before. in addition, 48 percent of respondents report that they have a greater realization about how interconnected we are.
Almost 90 percent of the technologist said the companies they work for will be focused on cost optimization as a result of COVID-19 disruption, and much of this will center on cloud computing. This does not mean there is no longer a role for legacy computing; almost 60 percent of IT personnel stated that legacy computing had proved essential during the disruption.
Going forwards, however, the trajectory is very much with hybrid or multi-cloud options, designed to spread any risk from future cloud investments. A key trend here is that the majority indicated they would not trust parts of their business to a single cloud provider.
A hybrid cloud is an infrastructure that includes links between one cloud managed by the user (typically called “private cloud”) and at least one cloud managed by a third party (typically called “public cloud”)
Commenting on these trends, Jeff Spicer, the chief marketing officer for Yellowbrick Data, told Digital Journal: “The survey brought to light some trends that we have been noticing recently related to the speed at which companies are moving to the cloud and investing in analytics. In fact, more than half of enterprises are accelerating their move to the cloud in light of COVID-19 challenges to their businesses.”
He adds his interpretation as to why a hybrid cloud strategy is the preferred option: “That clearly shows that a cloud-alone strategy is not what most enterprises are looking for—and validates what our customers are telling us about their own best practices combining cloud and on-prem approaches to their biggest data infrastructure challenges.”
Outside of direct IT issues, 47 percent state they have come to understand just how fragile civilization is, although a similar proportion state they believe that the world can finally come together to solve a problem, especially when aid by different technologies.