One of the best aspects of this crowdfunding site is the fact that there is often a big emphasis placed on technology, and it is relatively common for these campaigns to become fully funded. Whether it is the excitement of potentially being an early adopter or purely a love of science and innovation that causes people to make donations, the results are clear: Kickstarter is a viable way to bring new technology to life.
It does not take much searching to find an incredibly long list of technological campaigns that received a big boost from Kickstarter, but some recent inventions appear to stand above the rest of the pack. It would be impossible to mention every notable Kickstarter project, but the following samples are some of the best highlights of 2015 to date.
1. Glow Headphones
There are a lot of headphones available, but most of them do not give you tools that can help you reach your fitness goals. The headphones made by Glow are fashionable and motivational. This item also enables users to experience music and exercise in a completely new way. As the product’s name suggests, the headphones glow in response to preselected patterns, music tones and your heartbeat. Other hi-tech headphones such as the Klipsch Image S4i Rugged and Sony XBA-4 provide quality sound, but they do not offer the same type of functionality as Glow. Therefore, it is no wonder that the initial Kickstarter goal of $100,000 has been almost quintupled.
2. Artiphon INSTRUMENT 1
This unique project seeks to bring the power and beauty of any musical instrument to life in one convenient device. In other words, instead of purchasing a guitar, piano, violin or a drum machine, you can experience all of these sounds and more from the Artiphon INSTRUMENT 1. One of the most exciting aspects about this device is that you can hold and play it exactly the same way you would if you were using the musical instrument of your choice. You can also switch between sounds effortlessly, and this makes it possible for a single person to simulate each note from a virtually limitless list of instruments. With power like this, it is not surprising that this Kickstarter campaign is currently one of the most popular technology projects. After all, there is truly nothing else like it in the world.
3. Styrd
Wearable technology such as LifeBEAM’s Smart Visor makes it possible for runners to measure their performance and heartrate, but Stryd promises to take this idea to the next level. Instead of relying on a long list of metrics to assist you with each run, you can use Stryd as a wristwatch or app to accurately provide you with a power meter. This is a truly unique approach because it gives runners the opportunity to determine how consistent their power stays from mile to mile. Harnessing this information could make it much easier to avoid injuries and fight off fatigue. Running enthusiasts have responded to this fundraiser in a big way, and the Stryd device has officially gone into production.
The diversity that is showcased in these three recent examples make it easy to see just how far-reaching the Kickstarter Technology category can be. Other current campaigns focus on ideas ranging from LED-embedded jump ropes to a circuit board prototyping machine. Although many major manufacturers release interesting new technology on a regular basis, it is easy to see that some of the most innovative work is happening with the assistance of crowdfunding.