An add-on adapter on Kickstarter is promising to fix the new MacBook’s biggest problem.
Now companies are selling adapters that add back all the ports that some Apple users think the company should’ve included in the first place. Some are really popular — a Kickstarter advertising a MacBook Pro adapter has sold over 11,000 adapters, raising more than $1 million. HyperDrive backers will receive their dongle, which starts at $69, in March.
Here it is:
HyperDrive isn’t the only company making an adapter or dock to add ports to the MacBook Pro. People who received a new Apple laptop for the holidays have several various USB-C dock options, some as inexpensive as $25 and some selling for over $200.
But HyperDrive has some nice touches that could make it a good choice — it uses both USB-C ports for more bandwidth, includes an HDMI port to make it easy to hook your laptop up to a TV, and uses an aluminum finish that matches your new MacBook.
The premium laptop accessory even fits in your pocket:
And it seems like thousands of new MacBook owners believe it’s a necessary accessory.
This article was originally published on Business Insider. Copyright 2017.